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The night at Kimolos is really nice and sweet, the morning announcing a rising southern wind that will follow us for the duration.
We again spot a sea turtle, on two occasions. The land is rocky with abandoned terrasses where locals used to cultivate grains in years past. Around Gerakia cap, the sea becomes a bit choppy and the rocks there get a black/white chocolate hue.
After St. George cap, the SW wind is now facing us, making the journey to Prassa harbour a taxing experience. Pierre spends some time exploring the caves where, according to the touristic guide, seals breed, but none is spotted, unfortunately.
At Prassa, the local tavern is closed by now and we snack on the beach with its small islet, some fishing boats, a small church surrounded by turquoise waters and a string of dump trucks transporting white mineral to the loading quay, all this in a lunar landscape approximation.
Then follows an upwind journey to Psathi harbor, where we stop for a refreshing beer and a meteorological data update, before finally making the crossing to Polyaigos island in a strong sideways S-SW wind.
Surprise-surprise, as we arrive there, the Kimolos-Milos ferry boat is sharing the same fjord cove, well sheltered from the S winds. We spend the night cooking our meal listening to the boat’s bouzouki music from its loudspeakers.